Infrastructures to Drive the Great Transformation

Net-Zero, Strategic-Autonomy, Smart-technology

The Paris Infraweek is the unique European Infrastructure Network bringing together the most influential global players of the infrastructure financing – LPs, GPs, lenders, arrangers, multilaterals infrastructure developers, lawyers, as well as government officials, etc.- during a whole week of 50+ dedicated roundtables and workshops featuring 250+ high-level speakers from all over the world.


Expert - Climate Change, Energy and Financial Stability, IMF’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department

Charlotte Gardes-Landolfini is a Climate change, energy and financial stability expert in the International Monetary Fund’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department, in charge of climate finance policy, surveillance and technical advice, primarily in emerging markets and developing economies. She also deals with climate finance policy work at global level, and climate risk analysis from a financial stability perspective. Prior to joining the IMF, she was Deputy Head of Unit in the Economic Financing Department of the French Treasury, in charge of sustainable finance and climate risk for financial institutions. She started her career in the International Regulatory Affairs Department of the French Securities Markets Authority. She has held various teaching positions over the years, notably in environmental and development economics at Sciences Po Paris and the Sorbonne and in business schools, and she is a member of several research groups and committees focusing on climate risk assessment methodologies, climate economics, and sustainable finance. Charlotte holds Master's degrees from Sciences Po Paris, the Sorbonne University and Paris- II Assas University in macrofinancial economics and securities and markets law. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in environmental and financial economics.

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