Infrastructures to Drive the Great Transformation

Net-Zero, Strategic-Autonomy, Smart-technology

The Paris Infraweek is the unique European Infrastructure Network bringing together the most influential global players of the infrastructure financing – LPs, GPs, lenders, arrangers, multilaterals infrastructure developers, lawyers, as well as government officials, etc.- during a whole week of 50+ dedicated roundtables and workshops featuring 250+ high-level speakers from all over the world.


Infrastructure Development Executive Director, Royal Commission for AlUla

Amr is an executive professional offers 26 years of hands-on experience in Infrastructure development and Utilities operations. Including Business Strategy, Feasibility Studies, Financial Modeling, Budgeting, Business Plans, Master Planning, Design, Tendering, Negotiations, Contracts (FIDIC), Construction Management, Financial Performance, Risk Management, Operations Excellency and Facilities Management. Amr develops sustainable and innovative projects including Water Desalination, Wastewater Treatment, Power substations, Renewable Energy (Solar) and District Cooling solutions with associated smart networks to assure Integrity, reliability and resilience. Focuses on value creation to meet the strategic goals and objectives for Real estate, Residential, commercial, Industrial, Tourism mega developments, in conformance with international standards, specifications and latest well-proven technologies to meet the world-class service provision benchmarks and KPI’s. Amr holds a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering and Certified as Project Management Professional (PMP-PMI). Certified from Harvard, Stanford, Babson, George Washington University and other business schools as successfully completed several Executive Education and Leadership Programs. Amr is a candidate in Alliance Manchester Business School in Global MBA Program.Amr is currently the Infrastructure development Executive Director working for the Royal Commission for AlUla, developing the primary and secondary Infrastructure in AlUla as well as another major projects as experiential Tram, Airport FBO and other outstanding developments.Amr offers experience from various countries including Saudi, UAE and Egypt. Before working for AlUla, Amr worked as Senior Director for Emaar The Economic City (KAEC) and the Utilities Director of King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST).

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