Infrastructures to Drive the Great Transformation

Net-Zero, Strategic-Autonomy, Smart-technology

The Paris Infraweek is the unique European Infrastructure Network bringing together the most influential global players of the infrastructure financing – LPs, GPs, lenders, arrangers, multilaterals infrastructure developers, lawyers, as well as government officials, etc.- during a whole week of 50+ dedicated roundtables and workshops featuring 250+ high-level speakers from all over the world.


Associate Managing Director, Infrastructure Finance Group, Moody's Investors Service

Andrew Blease is an Associate Managing Director in Moody’s EMEA Infrastructure and utilities team, based in Paris, and responsible for a team of analysts covering transport infrastructure and utilities across EMEA. Over the course of his Moody’s career, Andrew has acted as lead analyst for a broad range of infrastructure, utilities and project finance issuers.

He has followed the utilities and infrastructure sector since joining Moody’s in 2000, and has been instrumental in the development of Moody’s rating methodologies, having authored the first global airport methodology and co-authored the first PFI/PPP construction period methodology.

He played a key role in the development of the EMEA Infrastructure and utilities team having been involved in some of the first ratings in the sector and subsequently in building the franchise.

Andrew is a frequent speaker at conferences and other events, and has been called as an expert witness to various Government related enquiries through the course of his Moody’s career. 

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