Infrastructures to Drive the Great Transformation

Net-Zero, Strategic-Autonomy, Smart-technology

The Paris Infraweek is the unique European Infrastructure Network bringing together the most influential global players of the infrastructure financing – LPs, GPs, lenders, arrangers, multilaterals infrastructure developers, lawyers, as well as government officials, etc.- during a whole week of 50+ dedicated roundtables and workshops featuring 250+ high-level speakers from all over the world.


Chief Analytical Officer, Global Infrastructure, S&P Global Ratings

Karl Nietvelt is Chief Analytical Officer for Global Infrastructure Ratings, overseeing analytical quality and research across Infrastructure, Utilities and Project finance ratings. Karl also leads S&P Global Ratings’ credit research on the Energy Transition, including our recent series on Hydrogen.

Over his 20 years at S&P Global Karl has been the Analytical Manager for the EMEA Commodities, Chemicals, and Utilities teams. Prior to that he was a senior analyst in the EMEA Infrastructure team.

Before joining S&P Global Ratings, Karl worked in banking covering Structured Trade Finance. He is based in Paris and has a Masters-in-Finance from ESSEC and an Electro-Mechanical Engineering degree from Leuven University.

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